I’ve got a few node.js apps kicking around on my computer that I’ve been wanting to deploy for a while, but I’d never got around to it. Happily, I decided to try and deploy the asset-server.
Forever is a little tool by nodejitsu that starts node.js apps and makes sure they keep running, even if they crash. It’s pretty straightforward and seems to work reliably. It had a bunch of parameters for logging and restarting the server. I tried it out and it seems pretty good.
Git archive
I was looking for sam minnee article on deploying using git, but couldn’t find it, so instead I went for the easy answer:
git archive | gzip > bundle.tar.gz
AFAICT, this takes the current master branch and archives it up.
Bash magic!
So then I just needed a little bash scripts to create the bundle, scp
it to my production server, untar it to /app/$ISODATE
, symlink it in place, run npm install
, then start and stop forever
. This is the script I used:
git archive master | gzip > /tmp/asset-server.tar.gz
scp /tmp/asset-server.tar.gz munich:~/builds/
RELEASE=`date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"`
ssh munich <<ENDS
cd ~/apps/asset-server/current
forever stop asset-server.js
mkdir -p ~/apps/asset-server/$RELEASE
cd ~/apps/asset-server/$RELEASE
tar xvfz ~/builds/asset-server.tar.gz
rm ~/apps/asset-server/current
ln -s ~/apps/asset-server/$RELEASE ~/apps/asset-server/current
mkdir -p ~/apps/asset-server/models
mkdir -p ~/apps/asset-server/current/public
ln -s ~/apps/asset-server/models ~/apps/asset-server/current/public/models
cd ~/apps/asset-server/current
npm install
forever start -a -l asset-server.log asset-server.js
echo " * Deploy complete"
It seems to work for now, it’s not ideal, but it’ll do.
nb: An earlier version of this post had the RELEASE=...
line inside the heredoc, which didn’t do what I expected. The above code is corrected.