So as part of my push to increase the traffic to Zoomin 4-fold (which is a crazy ambitious plan, but everyones gotta have a goal right?), I decided to try and make the site load as fast as possible. John Clegg, the former owner of ZoomIn, was always a fiend for making sites load fast, and a big proponent of using yslow, so ZoomIn was already pretty speedy, but after playing with it yesterday, I was sure I could make it faster.
Google maps
The biggest slowdown on the site, as far as I could tell, was loading the google maps api and the massive javascript that powers ZoomIn. The google maps javascript is mostly-cached and minified, but the browser still takes time sending an if-changed-since
request to make sure it has the newest version. There is no way around this slowness, and if the google maps api is in the head
of your document, you’ve got another 100ms or so that you can’t code around.
Move it to the bottom!
So I grabbed all the external APIs I was using, and stuck them at the bottom of the body tag, leaving only the stylesheet (which is aggresively cached by apache) in the head
section. However, ZoomIn has a lot of inline javascript that instantiates the different map styles and visualizations, and these all expected the Javascript to be included in the head. Easy fix, just wrap those in a block that gets run after everything else.
function Ready(callback){
Ready.callbacks = [];
Then your code looks like this:
new GoogleMapsInstance(some params);
And at the bottom of the page, after all the javascript has been loaded, I’ve got this:
while(func = Ready.callbacks.shift()){
It’s like script defer
It would’ve been nice just to use the script defer
attribute to make all the javascript run once the DOM has become interactive, but reading the caniuse page, it says defer is only “partially supported”, and I really didn’t feel like debugging IE heisenbugs, so I rolled my own solution.
How does it feel now?
Snappy as hell.